Value Stream Management Consortium Releases Latest State of Value Stream Management Report

September 13, 2022

DENVER, September 13, 2022 - The Value Stream Management Consortium has released its latest annual report, The State of Value Stream Management 2022. This year’s report provides the latest adoption trends in the value stream management market. 

Key findings in the 2022 report include:

  • A 16% increase in respondents piloting or implementing Value Stream Management Platforms (VSMP) since the last report (July 2021)
  • 10% increase in respondents aligning to explicitly named value streams
  • 6% increase in respondents measuring organizational outcomes
  • Aggregating through a dashboard to obtain data about value stream flow is the most popular method, despite a 7% decrease in the practice


“It’s been very rewarding putting together this year’s report and seeing the green shoots emerging as VSM crosses the chasm—I hope people will enjoy reading it as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it,” said Helen Beal, Chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium. “It’s becoming very apparent that VSM ways of working lead to higher performing organizations and I’m excited to have this opportunity to work with our members and the wider community on establishing implementation patterns and surfacing successes that will lead to global improvements.”


About the State of Value Stream Management Report 2022

This year’s report follows the flow of our value stream management (VSM) implementation roadmap. Following on from the State of Value Stream Management Report 2021, the new report identifies and observes trends across the adoption pathway. The purpose of the report is to help the community learn about how people are adopting value stream management practices and what works and doesn't work.

Some of the new topics covered in this year’s report include metrics patterns in different industries, definitions of lead and cycle time, and what value really means.

“Our second round of research compares this year to last year in a unique way representing the flux of changes, advances, the challenges, and opportunities within Value Stream Management,” said Eveline Oehrlich, co-lead researcher and Industry Analyst and Chief Research Officer. “We hope that this research is considered as an excellent starting point to exploit the VSM evolution. Every company which has products or customers has value streams. Nonetheless, these value streams must be first described and understood and then optimized across the owners to improve funding, budgeting, and outcomes. As new initiatives (digital or non-digital) require changes and/or new products and services, VSM significantly enriches collaboration and aligns the various teams across both business and technology. It should be part of any product and service strategy. We have seen a growth in adoption but there is still plenty of room to reach its full potential.”


“We have seen some big forecasts around VSM adoption over the next few years—and we expect them to come true.” says Rupert Field, Editor of the report, and Value Stream Lead for learning. “I like to think that the power of VSM is that it ties together the agile & DevOps movements in a way that makes sense to the business, but often leaders and teams have very different views on how mature they are compared to modern ways of working. By structuring the data along the implementation roadmap, this report casts bright light onto the true state of the industry—and shows how teams and leaders can work together to move forwards.”

Download the report

About the Value Stream Management Consortium

The Value Stream Management Consortium is the world’s leading organization creating, curating, and collaborating on research about the frameworks and principles of Value Stream Management. The VSMC delivers guidance around leveraging the best of Lean, Agile, DevOps, Systems Thinking, and beyond combined with world-class technical solutions, integrations, and automation to accelerate the performance of organizations across the globe.


Helen Beal

Helen Beal

Helen is the CEO and chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium and co-chair of the OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability Technical Committee. She is a DevOps and Ways of Working coach, chief ambassador at DevOps Institute, and ambassador for the Continuous Delivery Foundation. She also provides strategic advisory services to DevOps industry leaders. Helen hosts the Day-to-Day DevOps webinar series for BrightTalk, speaks regularly on DevOps and value stream-related topics, is a DevOps editor for InfoQ, and also writes for a number of other online platforms. She is a co-author of the book about DevOps and governance, Investments Unlimited, published by IT Revolution. She regularly appears in TechBeacon’s DevOps Top100 lists and was recognized as the Top DevOps Evangelist 2020 in the DevOps Dozen awards and was a finalist for Computing DevOps Excellence Awards’ DevOps Professional of the Year 2021. She serves on advisory and judging boards for many initiatives including Developer Week, DevOps World, JAX DevOps, and InterOp.