Members of OASIS Open, the international open source and standards consortium, are working together to define interoperability standards for value stream management (VSM). The new VSM Interoperability Technical Committee’s goal is to bring increased interoperability to existing value stream standards, tools, and best practices, enabling a more secure approach to sharing data across platforms in the software supply chain and systems ecosystem.
“For VSM journeys, sharing of data across enterprise platforms to get holistic, valuable data in the form of forensics, observability and auditability, for example, is critical. But it requires data standards and secure interoperability,” said Eveline Oehrlich, Research Director at Research In Action and Chief Research Officer at DevOps Institute. “Having such interoperability allows for teams to look at events that are relevant to an organization with additional context for the forensic processes of post incident and future incident management work, as an example use case.”
The TC’s work will focus on defining key component parts of value stream data, enabling interoperability of value streams among users and platforms, establishing good practice for value stream data architecture, and creating open standards for value stream management metrics.
“The formation of the OASIS VSM Interoperability Technical Committee is an important next step in the advancement of VSM, with the potential to provide an accelerated path to VSM adoption. We look forward to leading this talented group of organizations as we work towards our common goal of aiding VSM capabilities,” said VSMI TC co-chairs Helen Beal of Value Stream Management Consortium and Kelly Cullinane of Copado.
Organizations typically use different tools to measure the performance of their software delivery processes. Using VSM tools, an organization can utilize data and metrics to maximize innovation, drive growth, and add greater value. This TC sets out to create a VSM standard for interoperability and tool integration, allowing for broader adoption in the long term.
Participation in the OASIS VSMI TC is open to all through membership in OASIS. Digital product leaders; product value stream organizations; cybersecurity, public sector security, and quality management professionals; and others are invited to join the group.
Support for Value Stream Management Interoperability Technical Committee
“As a leader in introducing and implementing VSM solutions Broadcom Software is thrilled to support this initiative. VSM has emerged as a critical success factor in digital transformation and uniting to support interoperability standards is the next logical step, especially as we see more businesses adopting VSM. Data lives at the core of ValueOps VSM and we are committed to continually innovating in this space.”
-Jean-Louis Vignaud, Head of ValueOps, Broadcom Software
“Standards are critical for the proper interoperability of internet infrastructure and software. That interoperability drives innovation and capabilities that help create a more resilient ecosystem. That’s why it’s so exciting to launch VSMI; this will help companies normalize value stream management data for better measurement, auditability and terminology between large scale ecosystems.”
-Daniel Riedel, SVP Strategic Services, Copado
“Often times, enterprises are constrained from realizing maximum value from their workflows because of disparate systems that may not seamlessly integrate. This situation is further challenged when there are mergers and acquisitions, and new tooling is invariably brought into the value stream. VSMI can play a key role in bridging this void. We support the VSMI initiative and feel like this will be the logical next step towards creating Next-Gen DevSecOps organizations.”
-Sunil Joshi, Vice President & CTO, Hybrid Cloud Services, Americas, IBM
Security Compass
“Value streams are a critical part of integrating our disparate security activities and aligning them to produce business value. Including multiple stakeholders, from business leaders to developers, to derive requirements and deliver insights in security activities is the next evolution in securing our applications and infrastructure. Security Compass is honored to participate in this OASIS working group to help create an open standard around value streams so that we can collectively build a world where organizations build secure systems at the pace of business demand.”
-Altaz Valani, Director of Insights Research, Security Compass
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Helen Beal
Helen is the CEO and chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium and co-chair of the OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability Technical Committee. She is a DevOps and Ways of Working coach, chief ambassador at DevOps Institute, and ambassador for the Continuous Delivery Foundation. She also provides strategic advisory services to DevOps industry leaders. Helen hosts the Day-to-Day DevOps webinar series for BrightTalk, speaks regularly on DevOps and value stream-related topics, is a DevOps editor for InfoQ, and also writes for a number of other online platforms. She is a co-author of the book about DevOps and governance, Investments Unlimited, published by IT Revolution. She regularly appears in TechBeacon’s DevOps Top100 lists and was recognized as the Top DevOps Evangelist 2020 in the DevOps Dozen awards and was a finalist for Computing DevOps Excellence Awards’ DevOps Professional of the Year 2021. She serves on advisory and judging boards for many initiatives including Developer Week, DevOps World, JAX DevOps, and InterOp.